Back to School Asthma Action Plan

Written By Amanda

As your kids head back to school, don’t forget to update their Asthma Action Plan—it’s just as essential as sending them out with a hat on a sunny day! 🌞🧢

An up-to-date Asthma Action Plan is their “just in case” tool, like having sunscreen in their bag. It ensures teachers and staff know exactly what to do if asthma symptoms arise, keeping your child safe and ready to take on the day without missing a beat.

An Asthma Action Plan is a written, personalized guide developed with a healthcare provider to help individuals manage their asthma. It outlines specific steps to take based on the severity of asthma symptoms and helps prevent or respond to flare-ups.

The plan typically includes:

  1. Daily Management: Details on daily medications (if any), triggers to avoid, and routine measures to keep asthma under control.
  2. Recognising Symptoms: Descriptions of the early signs of asthma flare-ups (e.g., wheezing, coughing) and when to take quick-relief (rescue) medication.
  3. Emergency Instructions: Clear steps for managing a more severe asthma attack, including when to seek medical attention or call emergency services.
  4. Peak Flow Monitoring: A peak flow meter reading guide to track lung function and assess the severity of asthma symptoms.

For children, the plan also ensures that teachers, caregivers, and school staff know how to respond in case of an asthma episode. It’s an essential tool for keeping asthma under control and minimizing the risk of complications.

So, while you’re ticking off your back-to-school checklist—hats, uniforms, lunchboxes—make sure an asthma check-up is on the list too!

Book an appointment with your child’s doctor to update their Asthma Action Plan today by calling us on 8185 7160.